Item image

Pick an item image you wish to display in the center of the element.

Display icons

Choose whether you wish to display icons & SVGs for item info.

Item numbers

You can opt to display numerals in item info areas instead of icons.

Item titles

Input titles for each separate info item and customize title styles.

Descriptive text

Add some linkable all-important textual content to each info item area.


Easily customize typography for item titles, numbers and text.

Item image

Pick an image you wish to display in the center of the element.

Display icons

Choose whether you wish to display icons & SVGs for item info.

Item numbers

You can opt to display numerals in item info areas instead of icons.

Descriptive text

Add the all-important textual content to each info item area.

Easily create detailed showcases for any item
Include item titles and some additional content
Add icons or numbers to each feature displayed
2 basic layout types – side icon and standard
Set typography & colors for titles, text & numbers
You can also add links to each feature separately
Qi Addons for Elementor is a powerful library of 100+ elements designed for creating versatile beautiful websites the easiest way possible.